라벨이 The dangyong and others rushed to the place인 게시물 표시

The dangyong and others rushed to the place

The dangyong and others rushed to the place where the dangyu gun was, and when the dangseolphic beckoned the box, a thousand beads flew toward his legs and swung up from below and around his whole body. He was completely surrounded by the dangyu gun and reflected the sun's light in all directions. Dang Yu-gun and Dang Gong could not contain their astonishment at the sight of another 10,000-year-old painter, and Dang Yong and others were so surprised that they opened their mouths wide. Of course this wasn't the end. The sugar cane suddenly leaped into the air. It was as high as ten pages. When the sugar cane stopped in the middle of the air, raised its arms and pointed to the sky high, all the raindrops shot up in unison. How high is that thing going up?by 어르키뮤